The holiday season is finally upon us! Time really flies by in the blink of an eye, especially this year when most of us are stuck at home and losing track of time because of the pandemic. However, that won’t stop the world from celebrating the season of giving. With the pressure that comes along with the holiday countdown, we know that it can be challenging to come up with Bitcoin gift ideas for your fellow crypto geeks.

So to help you put smiles on their faces after a long year, we’ve created a list of cryptocurrency gift ideas that they would surely love.

1. Ledger hardware wallets

Cybercriminals are working non-stop—yup, we highly doubt they’ll pause their fraudulent operations on holidays. So if you know friends or loved ones who are sleeping well at night while their entire crypto assets are sitting in potential danger on online exchanges, consider getting them a Ledger Nano wallet this Christmas. Hardware wallets, also called cold wallets, can hold multiple cryptos and have increased security levels through PIN encryption.

2. Baby Onesies

For crypto moms and dads out there who are saving up fractions of their coin for their tiny human’s bright future, crypto-themed baby onesies are probably the cutest thing on this list. You can scout pieces of this with designs like “Hodl me” and “Lil Bitcoin”—is it just us, or does that sound like a rap name?

3. Socks

If your friend circle in the world of crypto is big and you want to give each of them a simple gift, comfy socks will do! Like shirts and sweaters, socks come in different sizes and crypto designs, too. You can also buy them the popular alpaca socks, which is BTC’s unofficial mascot. Sounds like a good conversation starter, no?

4. Wall canvas

There are beautifully composed crypto-themed paintings and wall canvas prints that your artistic friends will surely love. This would also work perfectly as a unique background while they are streaming or vlogging about crypto-related content. You can easily score some of these on Etsy.

5. ASIC mining rigs

If you want your gift to be a little extra, why not surprise your crypto miner friend with an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) mining machine? You’ll find different types of this device online, so make sure you know which one is designed to crack the popular crypto mining algorithms in the crypto space. We’re pretty confident that the recipient will appreciate this—we mean, who wouldn’t?

6. Coffee mugs and coasters

These two items are perfect for your crypto friends who have a habit of sipping coffee while scrolling on their laptops, hoping their favorite cryptocurrencies are heading to the moon. From popular slangs to developer logos in the crypto space, you’ll surely want to get a hodl on these mugs and coasters! (See what we did there?)

7. Physical Bitcoin

Physical Bitcoin? Are we kidding? Apparently not. Don’t get us wrong; we’re obviously aware that BTC doesn’t have any physical representation like paper bills and coins. But if you don’t know how to gift Bitcoin this Christmas, a physical BTC coin would be a great option. Interestingly, they have some for ETH, too! You can buy some of these fancy coins on online stores like Etsy. Some of them even come with a display stand, so your friends can show off their love for crypto to their house or office guests!

8. Shirts and sweatshirts

Let your friends and family flaunt their love for crypto by wearing shirts with fancy designs. You can also find sweaters to keep them warm when unwanted movements in crypto markets bring cold air—just kidding!

9. Books

The crypto world is evolving, so the learning never stops! It would be useful to give the bookworm crypto newbies some books about blockchain and cryptocurrency to learn how these innovations work. Who knows? These books might turn your newbie friends into crypto geniuses in no time!

10. Online Course access

For those who aren’t a fan of turning pages and reading texts on paper or screen, you can send them access to blockchain and cryptocurrency-related online courses instead. Check out educational websites like EdX and Udemy and look for topics, courses, or programs that you think might help develop your friends and family’s crypto knowledge.

11. Face masks

No one knows when COVID-19 will leave the human race behind. That’s why we think it’s still practical to give crypto-themed face masks as gifts for your crypto-loving friends. It doesn’t matter if they aren’t into Bitcoin. You can find a variety of crypto logo designs on, including Ethereum (ETH), Cardano (ADA), Litecoin (LTC), and Ripple (XRP). You can even buy yourself some if you like!

12. Fractions of Bitcoin

If you don’t have time to buy crypto-related items, don’t worry. If you have enough funds in your wallet and you know how to give Bitcoin as a gift, then we guess you’re safe. There’s no greater gift for a crypto-loving friend than a fraction of this dominant coin, right?

Let the holiday countdown begin!

It seems like it was only yesterday that we were creating our New Year’s resolutions and plans for 2020, and just like that, we’re already near the end of the year. We hope this crypto-centric gifts list helps you and your friends have a merry crypto holiday!

Do you have other gift ideas in mind? Share them with us in the comments below!

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