Meet Francis. Though he was studying computer security and forensics, he dreamt of becoming a pilot. Hopeful and with just $70 in his account, he decided to start trading Bitcoin. Now a leader in his community, he has earned enough to pay his tuition, support his brother, and attend aviation school. This is his story.
Paxful is a marketplace where people can buy and sell cryptocurrencies directly with each other. You can get digital money instantly and pay with debit, credit, cash, and any currency.
What's New?
In light of a security breach at one of our competitors, we want to assure our loyal Paxful users that your funds are secure and in good hands.
The Basics
Peer-to-peer crypto trading can be rewarding, but not without risks. On Paxful, you can easily find good trade partners and minimize risks. Here’s how.
Trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether and more with over 14 million global users