
Conheça histórias inspiradoras sobre como usuários entraram no mundo cripto e como usam a Paxful.


Frontline Report: Ghana with Abdul

Get local insights on Ghana’s economics, technology and crypto adoption, directly from Paxful’s local ambassador Abdul.

5 mins read

Frontline Report: Indonesia with Rizky

See Indonesia through Rizky’s eyes – Paxful’s local ambassador, cryptocurrency educator, and self-taught economic historian.

5 mins read

Frontline Report: Cryptocurrency in South Asia

Join our South Asia Ambassador, Shubham, for a deep dive on the adoption and utility of cryptocurrency and P2P trading across South Asia.

5 mins read
6 mins read
3 mins read
8 mins read

Why a “boots-on-the-ground” philosophy with Bitcoin helps everyone win

It’s time to forget price and speculation. Here’s why taking a more people-focused approach with Bitcoin can benefit everyone.

3 mins read

Seja a mudança: Sonia

Conversamos com quatro pessoas de diferentes partes do mundo para saber como o bitcoin melhorou suas vidas. Saiba como Sonia construiu seu negócio de negociação.

5 mins

Seja a mudança: Francis

Conversamos com quatro pessoas de diferentes partes do mundo para saber como o bitcoin melhorou suas vidas. Saiba como Francis ganha dinheiro para pagar a escola de aviação.

5 mins

Seja a mudança: Yusuf

Conversamos com quatro pessoas de diferentes partes do mundo para saber como o bitcoin melhorou suas vidas. Esta é a história de Yusuf e Built With Bitcoin.

5 mins

Seja a mudança: Ishaq

Conversamos com quatro pessoas de diferentes partes do mundo para saber como o bitcoin melhorou suas vidas. Veja como Ishaq ganha a vida negociando criptomoedas.

1 min read

3 usuários latino-americanos contam histórias de suas experiências recompensadoras como Peers da Paxful

Usuários da LatAm nos contam como descobriram o Peer Program e como ele os transformou em líderes na comunidade de criptomoedas.

3 mins read

A Paxful Power Trader Recommends 5 Tips to Stay Safe When Selling Bitcoin

Scammers get scared too. Be on top of your game with our tips to steer out of their way!

5 mins

An Experienced Trader Offers Advice About Buying Bitcoin on Paxful

You probably can’t get rich quick with trading Bitcoin, but that’s actually good news. Learn how to buy BTC with one of Paxful’s most trusted traders!

5 mins

Paxful Stories: The Vendor From The Red Dragon

In an interview with Howard, we had the opportunity to learn about his experience trading bitcoin in China and more.

5 mins

Elisha discovered bitcoin at 14—now he’s inspiring a new generation of Africans to make a living with crypto

Elisha proves that you’re never too young to learn about cryptocurrency.

5 mins

What Our Family and Friends Thought When We Told Them We Work in Crypto

We get asked funny questions when our friends and family learn that we work for this virtual thing called bitcoin. Here’s how we respond to some of them.

5 mins

Paxful Stories: How Bitcoin Trading Has Allowed Kevin Suarez to Spend More Quality Time with His Daughter

Stable income and a more flexible lifestyle are what Paxful has offered to our Barranquilla-based vendor.

5 mins

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