
احصل على آخر المستجدات في كل ما يتعلق بـاكسفل ، والتشفير ، وتقنية بلوكتشين ، والتداول.


Litecoin Explained: What It Is and Why It Matters in Crypto

Litecoin (LTC) is a cryptocurrency designed to be lighter and more scalable than Bitcoin. Transactions are faster, and fees are cheaper than the latter.

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How to Convert Gift Cards Into Crypto and Vice Versa

Instead of letting gift cards expire or collect dust in a drawer, why not turn them into crypto? Let us show you the process and how you can swap it back.

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Is your Paxful Account Restricted? Here are 4 Reasons Why

A Paxful account can be restricted for either security reasons or for violating our ToS. The good news is that not all restrictions are permanent.

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How The Paxful Trade Chat Keeps You Safe

The Paxful trade chat is not just a safe space to discuss transaction details, it can also help you win disputes. So keep convos within the platform.

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How to Vet Legit Crypto Sellers and Buyers on Paxful

Peer-to-peer crypto trading can be rewarding, but not without risks. On Paxful, you can easily find good trade partners and minimize risks. Here’s how.

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What is Coin Locking and How Can You Avoid It on Paxful?

Escrow protects Paxful users from fraud, but bad guys sometimes abuse the system and lock a seller’s crypto with it. Prevent coin locking with these tips.

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How to Check Your Gift Card Balance Online

You’ll know if a gift card has already been used by checking its balance. Here’s how you can check the balance of Amazon, Apple, & other gift cards online.

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What is Tether? An Essential Guide to USDT

USDT is one of the most popular stablecoins on the crypto market, but how does it work and what are its uses? Join us as we break it down!

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What is Bitcoin, How Does It Work, and Why is It Valuable?

Bitcoin is both a cryptocurrency & a blockchain. Here, you’ll learn its history, how Bitcoin works, what it’s used for, & why it’s valuable.

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Bitcoin Mining Explained: How It Works, Rewards, and Challenges

In simple terms, Bitcoin mining is the process of validating a blockchain transaction using the brute force method. Learn more in this detailed guide.

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دليل المبتدئين المثالي لاستخدام Paxful

أنشأنا دليلاً شاملاً حول كيفية استخدام Paxful حتى تتمكن من البدء في رحلة البيتكوين اليوم.

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ماذا تعني HODL وFUD وFOMO والعامية الأخرى في البيتكوين؟

بدءًا من الاختصارات وصولاً إلى كلمات مثل الحوت والقمر، يعد مجتمع العملات المشفرة مليئًا بالعامية الإبداعية. انقر هنا لمعرفة ما تعنيه هذه الكلمات العامية.

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Coins vs Tokens: Differences Explained

Digital coins and tokens are often used interchangeably but akshually, they’re not synonyms. Let us show you how they differ from one another.

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HODL Meaning and Application as an Investment Strategy

Hodling started as a typo but it’s actually a smart crypto investment strategy. Learn more about its advantages and instances where hodling was effective.

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What are Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)?

A CBDC is a digital fiat currency issued and regulated by a central bank. It’s not exactly a stablecoin nor a cryptocurrency. Here’s what you need to know.

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Who Are the Bitcoin Whales, and Why Do They Matter?

A Bitcoin whale is an individual or institution holding at least 1,000 BTC. Whether you love or hate them, their actions can cause price fluctuations.

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Differences Between Dogecoin and Bitcoin

If Bitcoin is the Godfather of Cryptocurrency, then Dogecoin is its fun cousin. Let’s dive deep into what makes these two digital currencies unique.

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Everything You Need to Know about the Solana vs Ethereum Debate

Solana and Ethereum have unique features that suit certain needs of developers and users. Let’s compare the two and see which is best for you.

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Comparing Paxful vs Binance P2P: What’s the Best Way to Buy Crypto?

Both crypto marketplaces allow P2P trades but Paxful and Binance differ in key features like supported crypto, payment methods, and fees.

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كيفية التحقق من حسابك في باكسفول Paxful

إن التحقق من حسابك في “Paxful باكسفول” يجعل من السهل على فريقنا مساعدتك.إليك الخطوات التي تحتاج إلى اتخاذها للتحقق الكامل من حسابك.

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Paxful Account Restrictions, Simply Explained

Learn what happens when things go wrong on Paxful, including offering examples of behaviors that will lead to account restrictions; the various types of bans, freezes, and suspensions our team uses to enforce marketplace safety; and a simple explanation of recourse steps available to you to contest our restrictions.

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Here’s why satoshis are essential in Bitcoin’s economy

A satoshi is the 100 millionth unit of a Bitcoin. Likes cents to the dollar, satoshis make Bitcoin divisible & applicable for microtransactions.

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Have NFTs finally arrived in the world of Bitcoin?

An Ordinal is a text, image, or a video inscribed in a transaction. It’s kind of like a non-fungible token (NFT) but inside the Bitcoin Blockchain.

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USD Coin (USDC) is now available on Paxful

Now you can use USDC to protect your wealth from inflation or to hedge against the volatility of cryptocurrencies.

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Five easy steps to self-custody your Bitcoin

Holding your Bitcoin in a wallet you control is not only safe, it also grants you freedom to transact the way you want to.

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What is USDC and how does it work?

USDC (or USD Coin) is a stablecoin whose value is pegged to the US dollar 1:1. As the 2nd largest stablecoin, USDC is fully backed by US dollar reserves.

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العوامل الكامنة وراء سعر الإيثريوم

شهدت الإيثريوم معدل نمو ممتاز ولكن كيف انفجر سعر الإيثريوم في غضون بضعة أشهر فقط؟ هنا، ننظر إلى الطلب والترويج والعوامل المؤثرة الأخرى.

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دليل سلامة Paxful للمتداولين

قلل من المخاطر عند شراء & وبيع العملات المشفرة من خلال التعرف على العلامات التحذيرية الشائعة وكيفية عمل Paxful & وغيرها من النصائح الواردة في هذه المقالة.

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اتصل بدعم العملاء على Paxful عند مواجهة أي مشكلة

هل لديك أي أسئلة؟ سواء كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة بشأن حسابك أو كنت بحاجة إلى حل مشكلة، فإن دعم العملاء على Paxful جاهز لمساعدتك.

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Convert Your Gift Cards Into Crypto in 3 Easy Steps

Don’t let your gift cards go to waste! Convert them into crypto to make money on the side. Here are the easy steps to get started.

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أنواع مختلفة من العملات المشفرة في السوق الآن

يمكن تصنيف العملات المشفرة وفقًا لفائدتها، أو كيفية استخدامها — العملات والأصول والعناصر والعملات الميمية أو المزحة. تعلّم كل شيء عنها هنا.

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هل البيتكوين قانوني؟ إليك ما تحتاج إلى معرفته

يمكن أن تختلف قانونية البيتكوين بناءً على مكانك في العالم، ومن أنت، وكيفية استخدامك لها. تعرّف على المزيد عن ذلك هنا.

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You don’t need much to start making money with cryptocurrency

You don’t need large sums to start making money with cryptocurrencies. You can hold, trade, lend, or even earn by playing games!

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كيفية شراء البيتكوين بسهولة وبدون رسوم

كيف تعمل منصة المعاملات بين النظراء على مساعدة المبدئين في شراء البيتكوين على الفور دون دفع أي رسوم.

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كيف أقدم نزاعاً على Paxful

نحن نريد أن تكون المعاملات سلسة قدر الإمكان ، لكن الخلافات بين المشترين والبائعين تحدث ، وإليك كيف يمكننا مساعدتك في حالة حدوث ذلك.

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Smart Tips for Buying and Selling Bitcoin

Here are some tips and tricks to help you jump start your bitcoin trading.

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What is Bitcoin Halving?

Every 4 years, the amount of Bitcoin mined is cut in half. Why does it happen & how does it affect mining & BTC price? You have to click here to find out.

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How to Protect Your Account from Phishing Attacks

From identifying official Paxful accounts to enabling 2FA, we share tips on how to prevent your personal info from falling into the wrong hands.

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Factors that affect Bitcoin value

Like gold, Bitcoin follows the rule of supply and demand but there are also other factors that influence its value. Read this article to find out.

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Satoshi’s Dream Realized: The History of Bitcoin

Bitcoin has taken the world by storm, but when and how was it created? We go back in time to explore the birth of our favorite cryptocurrency.

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Understanding the Different Types of Cryptocurrency Wallets

Read and learn the different types of cryptocurrency wallets, how they protect your bitcoin funds, and which one is suitable for your needs.

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How Do Bitcoin Transactions Work?

Have you ever wondered about the math behind a bitcoin transaction? Read on as we delve deeper into the process and the involved fees.

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What is Blockchain and Why Does It Matter?

Blockchain is the revolutionary record-keeping technology behind the Bitcoin network. In this post, find out how it works & we can all benefit from it.

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What Happens When All the Bitcoin in the World Has Been Mined?

Let’s examine the possible effects on mining, transaction fees, price, and the impact on investors once all 21 million Bitcoins are mined.

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How to Buy Small Amounts of Bitcoin

People are afraid of making Bitcoin investment because they believe they’ll have to buy a whole bitcoin, which is very untrue. Buy any small amount of bitcoin with Paxful.

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